Feb 161999


BC-348 FAQ

by Buzz Harrah, KE0MS
February 15, 1999
Originally posted to the MilSurplus Mailing List
Reprinted with permission


Calling all MIL-itants,

Recently you all came to my rescue when I needed “Fatherly” advice on a BC-348 I’d found. Thanks to your info, I’ve worked a deal with only pickup yet to take place. Your pricing information especially helped the deal “gel”.

I was asked by several thru direct mail if I could gather together my info and publish it for all the other BC-348 “wannabe owners” out there, kind of as an FAQ or something. I got almost 2-dozen responses over the weekend to send it, so, (not knowing how many are on this list) I decided it’s easier to let you all get it and judge for yourself if you need it. Delete it if you don’t.

All of this info was contributed by YOU who responded, the members of this list. You may recognize some of your comments. I moved them around to most logically answer the questions posed in the FAQ I came up with.

However, this info is presented to you AS IT WAS PRESENTED TO ME. I could not/did not attempt to verify every fact I received. (How could I?) And, you all know the “BA-Mantra”, imported from another source: “YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY.”

As we all have a perspective, I included all the pertinent data I got and grouped in into the general categories you will see.

Enjoy. I did reading it as well as cutting and pasting it again. And save it; as I think it’s a good BC-348 primer.




  • The BC-348 was the main HF receiver in US Airforce bomber aircraft in WW2, in conjunction with the BC-375 and ART-13 transmitters. The original design was the BC-224 (US Army Signal Corps) and the BC-348 was the adaptation for the requirements of the Army Airforce. The receiver as issued, runs on 24VDC (the standard DC voltage on aircraft) and generates the required plate voltage (around 250VDC) with a dynamotor which is inside the receiver.


  • The BC-348 was my first “real” HF receiver in 1964 when I first got my ham license and worked about 100 countries with it. Now I have 2 of them, with an ART-13 transmitter, to functionally duplicate the B-17/24/26 type bomber radio compartment and I use that station quite often, mainly on the East Coast military collectors’ net on 75 M.
  • These are pretty fair radios for AM and CW use. Not real selective, but they do have a xtal filter and with an added Q-Multiplier, they do nicely.
  • Be prepared to replace every coupling/bypass cap. Not a hard job as most are visible and usually strung between two posts on a phenolic board. The filter caps may need help also as will some of the resistors. I did a complete cap changeout and found only 3-4 resistors out of tolerance. The whole job took a few hours, but she played nicely when I finished.
  • There were many other modification articles and books out regarding the BC-348, so you can expect the receiver might have some or all. One of mine was completely rewired by a previous owner, redone top to bottom, and equipped with an AC power supply. Oh, yes it is also painted bright shiny lime-green with gold Dymo labels. It worked quite well, and after awhile the looks grew on you (like a fungus?) so I never changed it. The other one is more original.
  • The BC-348 is a great receiver, a little broad in the selectivity department, but a neat way to cruise the bands! My first exposure to shortwave came from a BC-348 so the radio has a little sentimental value to me.
  • My reason for knowing is that I had an unrestored one in High School (a loooong time ago). It still had the dynamotor.
  • Ah, the BC-348! One of my first military BA’s. Used as a liason receiver in B-17’s and some other aircraft. We gave our boys good stuff.
  • Single largest problem with all the radios of this vintage is paper capacitors. The ‘348 O uses about 18 or so of them and they’re all subject to failure. Normal procedure is to replace them all, check tubes, etc. and an alignment. If the radio has seen regular use, vs. sitting for years they seem to last much better.



Q: OK. This had one of those nasty DYMO label-maker-sticker-tapes saying “117V WIRING.” It plugged directly into the wall. Was this unit usuable for different voltages with a tapped xfmr arrangement, or had he modified his do you think?

  • The BC-348 was primarely an aircraft receiver with the dynamotor as the only INTERNAL power supply. There were external rack mount 110 vac supplies available in the military to run the radio on the ground. This is probably a homemade conversion.
  • When these receivers got to the surplus market, the first things hams did, was to yank out the dynamotor and build a small power supply that mounted where the dynamotor used to sit, for 115VAC to supply the filament and plate voltages to the receiver.
  • BC348s were aircraft receivers and used a dynamotor for the high voltage generation. He modified it by removing the dynamotor and replacing it with a power supply.
  • Sounds like the BC348 has been modified enough to allow for a built-in power supply. This was common practice when these things came out on surplus market.
  • I do know there were some mods that allowed 110 volts, but most radios were just changed by removing the dynomotor and installing a small power supply. I have not put a 110 supply in mine because there is no way I can see to get the 110v into the case with out some type of hole or rewiring the power plug, so for now I run it off the dynomotor and it is a nice little radio with plenty of volume, but the dynomotor is a little loud. I guess that wasn’t a problem with 4 1200 HP engines running.
  • The “117 wiring” label you noticed probably indicates that someone modified the unit to have a 117-volt AC power supply inside. The original BC-348s used a dynamotor to convert low-voltage DC (28v, 3a for DM-28 dynamotor typically found) to the voltages needed by the receiver. The open space intended for the dynamotor is a good place to build an AC supply and many hams did so.
  • Lots of them around, and there was a 117 volt model, but most were modidifed to run on 110 by hams – they took out the dynamotor.
  • Second, all BC-348s were bought by the military as 28 volt aircraft radios, there were no military versions that operated on AC. There was a 12 variant called the BC-224(actually as its number implies, the 12 volt version came first, the 348 was the 28 volt version, but a heck of a lot more of the 348 were built). All the AC conversions you run into are most likely to be done after they were released from military service. Note that a lot of the 348 were bought by the airlines right after the second world war, so some of the conversions were probably very professional looking, most of the ham conversions that I have seen were very sloppy.
  • There is a rumor, but no hard evidence that I have seen, that Hallicrafters specifically made a drop in AC supply that replaced the dynamotor, this would be easy to do mechanically-it would just be a screwdriver operation, but if this is true there may be a concern that one side of the AC line would be tied to the chassis-a definite safety concern.
  • The AC supply was a common mod and there were many variations. They were normally built onto the same chassis that the dynomotor was mounted on. If you can get the original mount bracket with shock mounts, that is a real plus.
  • I have a BC-348Q that is in great shape. Still has the dynamoter in it, and the ac supply is very neatly tucked up underneath it.
  • Normally they were 28VDC with a dynamotor. You can bet it was modified.



Q: The rig had a approx. 2″ x 6″ panel screwed on the right side, centered, covering what may have been some sort of — what? Was there a knockout on these rigs that allowed adding something?

  • This pannel is standard equipment on the BC-348. It provides access to the underside of some of the tube sockets. They ALL have them.
  • The panel you describe allows one to reach the tube sockets and some capacitors. Designed to look “plain” with 6 screws holding it down.
  • I have a BC-348Q and it is complete from the box(no mods) the 2X4 panel is to get at the tube bases for alignment, checking etc.
  • The plate you mentioned is original, it is just an access plate to allow service on components in that area. Once you dig into the radio, you will see why they put it there. It was also a good place for hams to mount extra pots and switches.
  • This is quite a nice receiver when working properly. The plate you mentioned on the right side of front panel is used to cover the socket connections for several of the tubes. The chassis is an aluminum CASTING, neat stuff for 1943!
  • That plate on the front panel is supposed to be there and allows access to the bottom of the tube sockets mounted along the front panel.
  • It allowed access to the RF and Mixer stage components under the tube sockets.



Q: Were there several variants of this rig? This one went .1-.4 MCs, Then went from 2- about 20 MCs if I remember right. Skipped the BC band.

  • BC-348 Receiver, 200-500kHz and 1.5-18mHz, six bands, AM/CW, crystal filter, 915 kHz IF, BFO, MVC/AVC, 28v, 3a for DM-28 dynamotor, 10.5″x18″x9.5″, 44lbs, variants:
    Model Manufacturer Tube line-up
    E RCA 41, 6B8, 6C5, 6F7, 6K7 (3)
    H Belmont Radio 6B8G, 6C5, 6F7, 6J7 6K6GT, 6K7 (3)
    J Wells-Gardner 6SR7, 6K6GT, 6SA7, 6SJ7, 6SK7WA (4)
    K Belmont Radio same as H
    L Belmont Radio same as H
    M Stromberg-Carlson same as E
    N Wells-Gardner same as J
    O RCA same as E
    P RCA same as E
    Q Wells-Gardner same as J
    R Belmont Radio same as H
    S RCA same as E

    [different mfrs got their own variant letters as they sometimes used different tubes and had different wiring schemes.]

  • Yes, there were some variants, frequency wise, but the one you describe is standard. (Seems that they ALL covered basically the same bands, but variants involved manufacturer differences, or layout differences BECAUSE of different manufacturers. The bands they covered (by my info) seems to tell me they ALL skipped the BC band.)
  • The letters (L, Q, S to name a few) in the variants, to keep it short, denote some tube differences (for example some models use 12K7 for the RF amp while others use the 12SK7, etc.) The performance is the same for all models. They all had the VLF band, for picking up Navy distress signals.
  • They came in several models, but are all basically the same circuit wise. Mine is a BC348R and is one of the older models. Uses double ended tubes. The newer models use single ended tubes. The 348Q is one of the newer ones and is seen often for sale.
  • They do skip the BC band. Guess the AAF didn’t want the pilots listening to the radio while attacking Jerry……..
  • To answer your questions though, the frequency range is .2 to .5 and 1.5 to 18 mc/s, although a very few of the early ones did not have the .2 to .5 band on them. There were a few ham conversions that rewound the low freq range for 10 meters or the broadcast band, but these are all ham conversions, not done by the military.
  • there were two major versions of the 348. Externally they were interchangeable, operated the same, covered the same frequencies, etc. The J, N, and Q series were made by Wells Gardner and were built differently internally than the others, a different tube lineup and some mechanical differences, plus a different arrangement for the CW OSC on off switch on the front panel.
  • Apparently the ID tag is still in place, and that will tell you what series the ‘348 is…..there were many variations with different suffix’s. Mine is an O, which was made by RCA. The series suffix is important because the circuits were different as was the tubes used. Some models were very similar and some were markedly different.
  • The Broadcast band is skipped in all of them I think.
  • Several models but they all covered the same freq range as you stated.
  • Did find a Schematic in the old CQ Surplus Manual – but there wasn’t anything else in the mag just a Schematic. I did get a TUBE line-up though.BC-348-R
    .1-.4 MCs
    .950 -> 18 MCs (915 KC IF)

    1st RF VT-117
    2nd RF VT-117
    1st Det/Osc VT-150
    2nd Det/avc/CW osc VT-233
    1st IF VT-117
    2nd IF VT-117
    3rd IF VT-116
    Audio VT-152



Editor’s note: My unit described as “kinda dirty”, but should clean up ok; but no obvious mods other than 117VAC mod. The 117VAC modification was the “ONLY” MOD that seemed to not significantly detract from the desirability of buying one of these units. While the original DYNAMOTOR was preferred by the masses, this mod is so common that it was felt (or at least I detected) that getting one that HADN’T been modded in this way was highly unlikely and should NOT be cause to pass a unit by.

Also, any comments relating to EBAY are indications of PRICING PHENOMENON in today’s market ONLY, and do not constitute an endorsement of EBAY selling or indicate that EBAY sold-equipment is better. It simply indicates that more is paid for these rigs on EBAY than at the normal hamfest-type outlets available.

Q: What is one of these things worth? (ballpark estimates are fine.)

  • I got one of these beauties (BC-348-R) and it was converted to AC and works very well/ Going prices range from $80 to $200 depending on condition, etc.
  • Typically bring $70 to $150 at swap meets, depending on condition, but sometimes up to $200+ on the Ebay internet auction site.
  • I paid $45 for mine. Seen them on e-bay for up to $150. A modified one in fair condition should be about $35-50. A pure, unmodified, original condition one with dynamotor might go for $175 or so and in my estimation would be worth it.
  • The case should have no other holes, just the cut out for the 8 pin power-audio plug. There are several sites that have the manual on-line. As for price I would say $150-200. E-bay has changed the price of things lately. I paid $100 for mine about a year ago.
  • Value – anywhere up to $140.00 depending on condition. Most go for $50 – $75.00 at flea markets, $75.00 up on the internet.
  • As far as price, the typical price I have seen for a ham modified unit with no added holes on the panel, an AC supply and missing the shock mount and connector that mounts on the shock mount, is about $75. Less than that for added S meters, front panel switches and other mods, more if it has the shock mount, connector and original dynamotor. I would say that a military original complete unit would be about 150, but I haven’t actually seen one of these offered for sale so that’s just a guess.
  • The BC 348’s go – depending on condition and the owner’s willingness to part with them – for anywhere between $50 for a heavily modified or good parts unit to $150 for a very good, unmodified radio. It may be even a tad more if the receiver is mint, as issued and has the original dynamotor in it. The dynamotors are scarce and sometimes cost almost as much as the radio itself. I personally paid $100 for each of my BC-348’s, with homebrew AC supplies in them (good workmanship, however) and good cosmetic shape, in working condition.
  • $50.00 to $100.00. Sounds tike your find would be on the low end.
  • I have seen them (348s) occasionaly for sale, and I think that Fair radio had some a few years ago. I seem to remember they were around $100. Could be wrong, but I think thats right.



Q: Can anybody help me with specific info, advice to persue or evade, etc?

  • GET IT………. you’ll love it and you’ll have a piece of history.
  • They are OK radios, but modern radios are MUCH better. On the other hand if you are a tube nut, then they are a must have along with an R390A.
  • Just remember that SSB was not in use when they were used, that came later. Even the R390A receiver did not support SSB.
  • If you like old tube collectables, then it might be right for you.
  • I have a BC-348Q that is in great shape.
  • All in all a neat radio.
  • I’ve had several over the years and always enjoyed modifying, using, and abusing them.
  • I got mine for repairing a BC radio for a friend, cost me a resistor, two 40 UF 450 volt caps, and two diodes. Had to solid state an old Circa 1930s radio. The rectifier tube had a burnt out filiment. No possible spares. I was given the BC-348 even thought I didn’t really want it at the time. Now I wouldn’t mind having it here [while away from home].
  • It is a lot lighter than my R-390A!
  • Looks like I will be able to buy 2 BC-348s this weekend. Matching transmitter too. There are Antenna tuning units too.

Editor’s note: I got almost nothing on Antenna tuning units, other than it is believed there are several, as part of the “Liason Sets”, using the ART-13 transmitter, of which this unit is part.



Editor’s note: About 1/4 of the replies I got tell me I should GRAB the TEST SETS, or GRAB THEM and sell them to THEM! You guys must like these ARC-5s things, too.

And here’s what some said about the ARC-5s (relevant to the BC-348):

Q: The now SK had an OS-8B scope, URM-25D sig generator, a mil audio generator (I can’t remember make or model right now) and… the BC-348. He also had some ARC-5 stuff, including a BC Band one. But, I have some questions about the BC-348:

  • As to the ARC-5 receivers, they’re in demand today – they were the “command” radio set for shorter range HF communications on many aircraft in WW2 together with the ARC-5 series transmitters. The BC band ARC-5 receiver was generally used by hams as a second, tunable IF for the BC-348 (which has an IF frequency of 915 KHz) to provide additional selectivity to the BC-348. The ARC-5 antenna terminal can be coupled to one of the BC-348 IF stages with a small capacitor, and use the ARC-5 for the audio output. This gives you a nice selectivity and tunable second IF without hacking into the BC-348 which is getting scarcer and scarcer.



  • There is a ton of information at http://netnow.micron.net/~kj7f/boatanch/bc348.htm check it out.
  • Contact W7FG at www.w7fg.com for a manual. Only $18 and a great investment.
  • I can find the exact model /manufacturer/tube lineup list for you if you need it, I just have to look into some of my Internet links. mbendror@villagenet.com
  • Look for a schematic in the gentlemans files. Also, the Surplus Conversion Books from the late 40’s and up thru the early 60’s have tons of info on this radio.
  • I have some of the CQ Magazine books on surplus equipment mods for hams, so if you see something that doesn’t match the original schematic we might be able to figure out what it was intended to do. (SBJohnston@aol.com) More on these in a bit…
  • There is some good info on BC-348s at the Military Commo List site(s):
    (specfically) http://www.telalink.net/~badger/millist/m7.html#a1253
  • There is a lot of information out there in old QST’s, 73’s, and the Surplus Conversion Manuals I, II, and III……..
  • Fair radio does have [copies] of manuals for all of the models for $12. (http://www2.wcoil.com/~fairadio/)
  • The CQ Conversion Manual listed sources for ‘Conversion Data’: CQ MAGAZINE:
    September 1956
    February 1959
    March 1959
  • http://netnow.micron.net/~kj7f/boatanch/bc348.htm
  • http://www.aade.com/hampedia/military/military.htm
  • http://www.qsl.net/wf2u/
  • http://www.qsl.net/wd8das/



This kind of sums all this old MIL stuff collecting up pretty well. I’d made an off-hand comment on how excited I was finding this little receiver, and here is the comment that I got back. I couldn’t have made a better “straight” guy on Vaudeville!

Q: Thank you for all your answers. Very interesting reading. And, this “mil” stuff is starting to grow on me.

A: That’s what that ‘MFP’ coating was for inside the old gear :-) :-) :-)


  73 Responses to “BC-348 FAQ”

  1. I am trying to find out the current selling price for a BC-375, modules & Dynamotor all brand new in original boxes. Matching serial numbers. No tubes as boxes were never opened until I took a peek.

  2. It’s now 2013 and I can’t see any recent comments…so, to come out of the closet in 2013 as a BC348 lover on a site written 14 years ago…

    The preferences range around easier access for service and the tubes for the three of the Q type. The argument also is that one less IF is less noise. All those are valid. On the other hand the Q series (it being the most well known letter) look more like an aircraft set than a communications receiver. I like the 4 IF’s, I can come out anywhere anyway to my BC 453. With the BFO working well ssB is a dream. I am not one of those lazy modern minded hams that wants everything the factory can produce…What’s the point…Ham Radio isn’t all about communicating and we used to have rules on subject matter, 3rd Party messages, hogging the air, fould language, politial debates, using the airwaves as a telephone. HF Radio started to feel the pressure around 1963 as VHF was so much simpler, Acorn tubes (954/955 and 717A’s) were abundant as was radar gear) but that started some arrogance in the radio fraternity, the VHF lot (who only had 2nd grade licences “Z” calls and scorned CW to justify it (heheheheh) . My only VHF interest was in 276 mHz (why I don’t know!! probably I liked a Radio and Hobbies receiver I built ..and soon TV took that band!..Grrrrr! Other things changed too, people began to see themselves as special and more sophisticated than the old HF “fuddy duddy’s”though the brilliand guys like Tony Mulcahy and Terry Thorpe were on HF though Terry was a brilliant UHF technician on Radar and all aircraft gear. Terry’s construction work was like Mil-Spec and he used an AR8 /At5 until his Home-brew Geloso front ended gear was up and running.

    Once the VHF lot took over the WIA it was all downhill. My fondest memory of there is Old Norm Bearde…a gentleman badly treated in that farago. Norm was disgusted at my being thrown out during a meeting out by two of them for attending meetings as a schoolboy on holidays…without paying fees (and with 16 kids there was no money but I loved to go and watch and listen) and told not to return until I paid fees .This was in the era when CQ and QST were bibles and the WIA had a real library to which I later contributed manuals I had had declassified. Dick Smith was still a radio mechanic underneath the “Big Bear” at Nth Sydney and I have some amusing sories about Dick.

    My meeting with the inquisators was actually a personal issue with one of the adult two bully boys who wanted a new order there, “VHF” “men” at Atchison Street. Norm heard of this outrage and held an AR7 with all coil boxes under his desk for me until “one day when you can come up with a couple of dollars”..far less than fees. My die was cast then. I realised what a real man was, and I met some great ones, Ted Barlow, Terry Thorpe, Sandy Bruce-Smith, , Tony Mulcahy and everyone of them gave me time…I believe in that kind of tradition for Ham radio that includes cw and tube sets somewhere in one’s kit…preferably pre 40’s…for this is where Hams got their delights post WW11 even if only the humble AR8/AT5. I can’t see the slightest matter of personal science in digital-binary nor in VHF repeaters…that’s all glorified CB. The old 348 is harder to find today…I suppose thousands have followed their SK’s to the ground and probably hundreds are in tractor sheds attics and garages. It’s sites like this one (and a couple of dozen others) which keep the heart pumping and the love flowing. That’s Ham Radio..it was the like no one under 40 or 50 will ever see again as the world is made to change into something it never should be.

    Like yours, my 348R has character and I am a traditonalist. Even the sound of the toggle switch for the CW has a nostalgic sound. These sets can be repaired and have a special nostalgia for us who’s uncles and fathers died in Yankee marauders or somewhere else. Like mmny I have some ‘mea culpa’s”…I turfed thousands of new mil/CV/VR tubes and boxes of components when it looked as though they were gone forever but that was a hard lesson learned. I threw away radiospeople claw-for today I still have a few hundred worthy tubes though…

    Sure the 348 Filter doesn’t seem to work (unless you align it and the IF’s correctly) sometimes and sure the performance is down on my mod’d Kenwood 820S and my 130S maybe even my Drakes but I get most fun from it……I’d rather tbe fighting to 337 on it than 599 on a Kenwood. For 40 years for outstanding reception I used my URR391 which I bought during Vietnam and sure my AR88D was magic but the old 348…I don’t know…it has something special. Sure too the BFO can be broken by people who think they should turn 360 degrees and sure we hear such pitiful (and often!) complaints that the dial lights don’t work so well especially when filaments changed from 28V to 6V but for me…it’s my Susan Hayward , My Vivien Leigh….been around the traps but always welcome back.

    My 348N (same as Q) , which I may sell could be repainted on the box top but looks ok. I just like the R!!! and I really want one in the series BC348 A,B,C orD and might swap. This N was used post WW11 in an Australian Catalina I believe and has a “refurbished by (????) factory sticker/decal on it. It is a yellow and blue label. Voila

  3. Hi interesting for me that I have just bought the only 348 I have seen (and there could be scores of them for all I know….someone might advise) with RAAF indent number and matching serial number on a plate. It was a 1953 restoration by the services…seems to have been a momentous year.Unfortunately it is a “Q” but then…is it likely to be the g.c. model…(?).

    My R is still my favourite and I’ve done little to my 342N as have been studying. I sold to a minister of some Christian Religion, the ex-TAA-Catalina “Q” with the interesting refurbishment transfer however I think he has done nothing to it after 2 years or so. I’d like a couple more jones-plugs if anyone has some.

  4. Hi, congrats for the fine infos on this page, I have a french BC-348 marked STTA ( services techniques des transmissions aériennes) end of waranty feb 1957 ! No version markings so I guess, looking the tubes installed that it’s a H model, to be confirmed. I’ll restore it for matching it with a “Air France” ART-13 and a US Navy tremandous TCZ power supply Col-211101 .

    best regards ,
    73 de F6GTC, Henri

  5. Hi Henri…trss bien…je vous comprends ok ..ou habitez-vous?.en France?

    J’ai une maison ‘ au compagne’ la bas.

    I made an error in my long dissertation ..348 has 3 IF’s! not 4 ….I also have an ART-13 ex Panam I think…has the Crystal ‘Mod’….and also a 500kHz (kC)crystal. I have also the original 500kHz crystal (3 prong) from the ART 13….good stuff. (in zee Freench ‘superbe!! or just ‘supa…)

    This ART 13, good condition (good ‘nick’ we say here colloquially) has a couple of mods I have to investigate when I get a break from University. It came from a Radio Inspector (RIP) in Tasmania. I’m no longer a purist but I do believe if you are going to mess around or sdo mods….do it neatly and record the changes in a way they will stay with the set.

    I prefer the ‘R’and the other grid-cap series as I said . Since we spoke I bought a Q…I’m not greatly attached to them irrespective of their easier servicing etc. To my interest and then rising alarm I see it has extensive mods…separating RI and Audio controls is ok….but there are wires going everywhere and a pretty ‘average’ (pauvre) mains p/s….I’ll have to rebuild it to give proper access. He’s also clipped the terminals off the ends of the original power supply wires….which is not only stupid but ‘vilain’. One component has been ‘snipped…a coil I have to identify…and a transistor hooked into it…whether as a transistor or a diode I don’t know as just on quick glance two wires are bridged….. The original Jones plug has been replaced by a modern one, that’s ok but a component attached to it is a complete mystery…maybe there’s a 348 group who might have seen these mods…rather than I put the set back to standard. Curiously the electrolytics whoever did it has installed, are British!….which might explain the confusion!…..I wish I could find him…would short cut the process…He installed an audio stage but curiously, instead of using a 12AU7 he used the most expensive and rarest version…a 13D5 from memory.. Contact me at goldmort@onthenet.com.au maybe we can compare notes and set photos….

  6. Oh and Henri…why model “H” rather than say, R or M or some other….By the way there are Utube videos on doing some 348 repairs…I’m not recommending…just saying . Do you have a lot of 348 information? I have the handbooks etc but BC-348 dynamotor is a great site….http://www.radioblvd.com/bc348_dynamotor.htm so is http://hpfriedrichs.com/radioroom/bc348/rr-bc-348.htm….of course there are many but these two have a lot of information. Je vous remercie, Monsieur mes salutations distinguises

  7. Here’s a novel power supply and maybe amplifier?…..on a pretty grubby g-c 348. I’d have polished it up first but…very different…and lethal!, if not careful


    Info available here…http://www.shortwaveradio.ch/radio-e/mil-usa-signal-corps-bc-348-test-e.htm

    ART 13….(with a few French words thrown in at the end) http://www.qsl.net/i0jx/ART-13_BC-348.pdf….Don’t do substantial mods on the ART 13 as it will ruin its value …some do I think 20M conversion…forget it!!….who wants 20M any way…that’s a bit like CB!!..80/40…donc…ces sont bien..tres bien!!…mielleur qu’eau de vie!!

  8. Hi again….this is a very clear manual…a lot are not, Henri….http://ekladata.com/PAr3yVT4nQiJS80hemrGhErCT64/bc348_manual.pdf a bientot…

  9. Henri if you know the tubes you probably know why your’s might be an ‘H’… neanmoins……this could be handy if you don’t have it….

  10. Is this the place to find the answer?
    The ID-plate on my BC-348 is missing. I have identified the unit by checking circuit diagrams and tubes. I have found that my radio belong to the “H-family”. But how do I know if its H, K , L or R. What separate them?


  11. Hi Goran. I’m not personally sure of every detail…differences can be ‘minor’ like rerouted cabling or a component or component supplier change which affects an indent number as opposed to just a ‘mod'(modification)change…Someone will know and the original manual covering all models will help…

    I had one in the 1960;s…orange cover… probably donated it to the WIA who’s have thrown it out by now….as it’s just a ‘modernist’ organisation now. Some sets changed say the output tube for a 6K6 which someone may have done since production on yours….blurring which model it is.

    If there is a separate ‘mod’ plate you might be able to track some history which enables you to make a fair decision on model….Anyway…You’ll find some ‘model’ information in the tables here https://www.nonstopsystems.com/radio/pdf-radio/article-bc348-kf6nur.pdf I’ve seen another table, less colourful but may have had more information… but have to recall where

    However….whatever plate you put on it will not be truthful…..it will almost certainly not be the correct serial-number, order, date, maybe even model and manufacturer…. and so on….Was pulled off in echelon workshops for some reason…or sold by that huge radio spares place in your Arctic area…Personally I’d leave it blank,,,,There are a few reasons people pull the plates…to put on another set,…intend to repaint and lose it….or sell it without plate. Some even think it looks better….very queer!! These plates do come up for sale from time to time at ham-fests and eBay, or buy a wreck and snatch the plate, pull for spares even check one against the other to legitimise your set some what against the one you stripped.. If I get any further information I’ll post it Regards Jack

  12. Thanks Jack,
    Learning curve gets longer by the age… But I can now to almost 99% claim it is a BC-348-R, thanks to the informative page you linked to.
    It’s a CCC tube version +ceramic HFO socket. Two ** also tell that a plastic label probably was fitted on my radio. There are threads for four screws in the front on my radio, so no rivets. So I guess screws was used for plastic labels. I assume the Order then was 11414-43. I have also the base and Order is 11415-WF-43.
    So I can stop digging further into this. It is now up and running after I changed most of the capacitors.

    Thanks agn and best regards

  13. Hi ok thanks to you and to Mark. I have an ‘R’…very nice….with plastic label and 4 tiny screws. I don’t like the ‘Q’ as much but it has obvious service advantages. The ‘R’ is more like a ‘ham’ set which keeps me mindful of not being one of the ‘buy and talk CB-Hams’….who think AR is a substitue for a telephone conversation (taboo in real ham days) and comparing their Jap sets, antennae and armchairs…(chuckle) then finishing with “73’s” OM which was a cw sign-off “73”…. never plural…..ah, nostalgia!!….how green was my valley……

    The Q I have I bought using eBay as it was an RAAF rebuilt set in 1953, complete with tags. The plate on them is riveted. When it arrived it had so many mods (not RAAF) I didn’t know where to start. I wish the guy had left a circuit in there as some wires go I think to test points or some plug in control….Thank god he didn’t go all the way to despoilation and install an s meter….it will turn out quite nice..one day….when I finish this Masters….

    Others would just rip it all out and go back to the set as it was. I’ve decided to rebuild the work sensibly and neatly and use the advantages. At some stage the RF and Vol controls were separated…but the original idea connected to frequency via the tuning cap was quite a clever idea…The power supply and extra audio transformer work is just appalling…but that can be fixed. What beats me is people cutting the spade terminals off the dynamotor supply cables and soldering them to sit in mid air….”Rough as guts” we call it in Australia…..

    I like the gc tubes…nostalgic and I have no obsessions about having the greatest radio on the planet…just to have it working really well and run through BC 453 for cw. I have had already owned the best and almost every disposals Rx ever made (chuckle) but the fun for me is bringing the signals up by dextrousness. By the way when peaking IF’s in the 348 determine the actual crystal frequency first then centre IF’s around that frequency. Doing it the other way around can find levels drop noticeably with crystal switched-in. Regards.

  14. Goran, Fair Radio sales (Idaho??) might even have a plate but were I doing it I’d get the original screws too…they just don’t look ‘right’ at all with anything else. I have seen two on eBay over the years but maybe Hamfests for one or a wrecked set..or contacting one of the serious 348 lovers and putting out the word. ‘Everything comes to him who waits’ ..sounds ominous actually,…. but ‘you know what I mean’.

    There’s a really nice g.c. set(‘P’) for sale right now on eBay…with frayed mains wiring..and with shock mount…it has riveted the nomenclamature plate. I wonder whether different manufacturers took different approaches or maybe your set and mine are earlier…or maybe the difference between a P and an R is the plate…There are so many things I’d like to know. One of them is why people put an s-meter into 348’s maybe because CQ put it up as a mod….Whilst I can think of a couple of technical aids (e.g. in transformer ‘peaking’) I don’t think I’ve needed an S meter for RST in 50 years, and Tone and Readability don’t have meters….still…it’s a good value ‘P’ at the moment if anyone is looking for a set with nice paint and with the shock mount an so on….Not being in USA and having 2 already the postage would be a deterrence for me but if I had none….well…this one has most of the wok done and perhaps a round meter could be fitted…look better.

  15. Hi All,
    I’m sorry to jump in with an argument that is not so fashionable, but I have a problem…
    I’ve got a BC-348-J that I’m trying to fix; I’m planning to use it as a general coverage receiver in my study.
    The previous owner did a LOT of modifications<<, some of them in an ugly manner, like a power supply connected here and there with electrician's wires, with joints covered with sticky tape…
    That is fixed now, and a misconnection on the CW switch (one wire was totally missing) is fixed as well.
    Now to my problem… The previous owner installed a meter in the upper right corner, to be used as sn s-meter (I know, it's nearly useless, but now it's there already…)
    I found a schematic on the Surplus Manual Conversion; but due to the modifications that I found, I'm at loss on how to connect it. It says to connect it to posts 2 and 6 on the power plug, but that plug is not there any more…

    Another question: the volume control has been rewired, now only one potentiometer is connected (as a volume control) and the Bias control is missing. Should i try to restore it?
    Thanks for your patience and your help. My email is paolo.gramigna@controllo.it, if you want to answer directly.
    Paolo from Italy (IK4YNG)

  16. Paolo,

    Its impossible to give any advice and tell what is wrong when the receiver is modified. Post 2 and 6 on the power plug is for mute from an external TX-relay. Just keep the wires shorted. If power plug is missing you have to find the wires in the circuit diagram. Instead of using the diagram in the Surplus Manual Conversion I should stick to this manual instead http://ekladata.com/PAr3yVT4nQiJS80hemrGhErCT64/bc348_manual.pdf
