The newest member of my motor pool is a brand new Kubota L3301HST tractor. Say hello to The Orange Dragon!
I just bought this nice, new tractor to replace my old Bobcat 753 skid-steer loader. I’ve been using the Bobcat to maintain my property since 2004, but I decided that a tractor would be a better match for my needs. And new! And fun! I’ll miss the Bobcat, but it will soldier on with a landscaper in Palm Springs who added it to his stable next to his smaller 400-series Bobcat.
Along with the tractor itself, I bought a bunch of accessories:
- Kubota LA525 front end loader with Bobcat-style quick attach mount and 66" bucket.
- Kubota BH77 backhoe with a 12" bucket.
- Land Pride RCR1860 rotary cutter (a very heavy duty lawn mower for thick weeds and brush).
- Land Pride GS1560 grading scraper ("land plane").
- Land Pride PD15 post hole digger with 9" auger.
- Kubota deluxe fiberglass canopy.
I have a bunch of future modifications and upgrades planned already. But to my surprise, the tractor already arrived pre-modified! The dealer’s shop accidentally installed the canopy for the larger M-series tractors instead of the proper L-series canopy. The dealer decided to leave it alone, and he says that it fits so nicely that they will probably stop ordering L-series canopies and just use M-series ones in the future.
I have given my tractor its own Twitter feed to share its exploits. I’ll post details of my modifications and upgrades here on my blog, but the Twitter feed will get more frequent updates of work in progress.
- The Orange Dragon has Arrived!
- Land Plane and Front Bucket
- Bobcat Forks Mounted
- Unloading Implements
- View from the Driver’s Seat
- Backhoe Removed
- Mounting the Brush Cutter
- Finished Unloading
- Brush Cutter Adjusted
- My Old Bobcat 753