After fixing the failed extruder thermistor on my Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer, it didn’t surprise me at all when the heated bed thermistor also failed. Read on to see how I replaced it.
Machine tools and related stuff.
I’ve measured the resistance vs. temperature of the thermistor in my MP Select Mini 3D printer. It looks like the thermistors that I speculatively ordered don’t have the exact same temperature curve, but they may be close enough to use my printer with a manual adjustment of the temperature set points to compensate for sensor error.
On June 15, I saw this cryptic tweet from Elecia White. Being out of the loop, I asked what the new toy was, and was directed to Brian Benchoff’s review on Hackaday of the new Monoprice Select Mini 3D Printer. It’s an exciting new 3D printer with a very attractive price point, and I had to have one! Read on for my not-so-smooth initial experience…